Overcome Auto Reboot Problem in windows XP

Overcome Auto Reboot Problem in windows XP :

Many People Might have faced , cases when a system fault/error/crash ends up freezing the OS at the dreaded BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death), which displays the cause of the crash and gives some details about the state of the system when it crashed. The major annoyance is that it requires a “cold” reboot (reset) or complete power shut down, to remind you why those 2 buttons on the front of your PC case are meant for. And moreover, if you are a system administrator, requiring your server(s) to run non-stop 24/7, this can be a pain in Your head But have no fear, the fix is here… This Registry hack is valid for ALL NT, 2000, XP and 2003 releases. To bypass the BSOD altogether and enable the instant “Auto Reboot” feature, run Regedit and go to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\CrashControl Right-click on the “AutoReboot” DWORD [REG_DWORD] Value in the right hand pane -> select Modify -> change it to read 1 (Auto Reboot enabled) -> click OK -> close the Registry Editor.

Restart Windows for the change to take effect. From now on the OS will reboot upon locking up, right after writing to the crash log file (if enabled). To disable it, change the “AutoReboot” value back to 0 (default)